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Form for withdrawing from a contract within 14 days

Do not forget to package the printed and signed form together with the goods to be sent! After you submit a completed form, a copy of it will be emailed to you. (If you do not have the option to print out the form, put a piece of paper with your order number and name in the package for identification. The form must be completed online even in this case.)

You may return anything within 2 weeks of receiving your order. However, the goods must meet several conditions:

  • the goods must be in their original, undamaged packaging,
  • the goods must be unused,
  • the goods must be undamaged,
  • the goods must be complete (including accessories, warranty card, user manual, etc.),
  • a signed copy of the 14 days' contract withdrawal form must be sent together with the goods,
  • please send the goods to the address listed for your country or directly to our address. For selected countries (Slovakia, Czechia, Hungary, Romania), you may use Packeta's Return Parcel service.

Please use the return address that applies to your country. DO NOT FORGET TO WRITE "ID 93728316" ON THE PARCEL!

ID 93728316 - Your name
Schloßplatz 2
086 48 Bad Brambach

Packeta International s.r.o – HR post (NSC)
ID 93728316 - Your name
Poštanska 9
10410 Velika Gorica

Additional information: The return must be sent via HR post

OMNIVA LT (sorting center)
– Packeta International
ID 93728316 - Your name
Perspektyvos g. 32
LT-52104, Kaunas (ex Ateities pl. 45B, Kaunas), Lithuania

Additional information: The return must be sent via OMNIVA LT

Omniva LV (sorting center) – Packeta International
ID 93728316 - Your name
Dzirnieku iela 24
Mārupe, Mārupes novads
LV-2167 Latvia

Additional information: The return must be sent via OMNIVA LT

You can use Packeta's Return Parcel service
ID 93728316


Packeta Poland
ID 93728316 - Your name
Panattoni Park Bielsko-Biała
ul. Księdza Józefa Londzina 106
43-382 Bielsko-Biała

(the return must be sent via Colissimo only)
Packeta International – 967337
ID 93728316 - Your name
c/o Asendia Germany
Rue Ettore BUGATTI
PFC Erstein
ZI Ouest – BP 110
67150 Erstein Cédex

You can use Packeta's Return Parcel service
ID 93728316


You can use Packeta's Return Parcel service
ID 93728316


Packeta International
ID 93728316 - Your name
Geniki Taxydromiki hub Thessaloniki
Esoteriki Periferiaki (Internal Ring Road),
Thesi Dialogis OSE – Parodos Sof.Venizelou
54628 Thessaloniki

You can use Packeta's Return Parcel service
ID 93728316


JARLU spol. s r.o.
A. F. Kollára 229
Terchová 01306


You will only pay the cost of local delivery (unfortunately we cannot provide return labels).

When your return arrives at the collection address, it will be forwarded to our central warehouse. This process takes about 10 days. After its delivery, we will process your return.

Please note that the parcel must be packaged so that the original packaging is not damaged (e.g. with adhesive tape, an address label, etc.). Under no circumstances send the goods for cash on delivery, we will not accept such goods.

JARLU spol. s r.o., registered in the Commercial Register of the Žilina District Court, Section: Sro, Insert no.: 67354/L, registered office: Sv. Martina 1360/67, 013 06 Terchová, Slovak Republic, company ID: 50 764 276, VAT ID: SK2120467349 (hereinafter the "Seller")

Contact address

To exercise the right to withdraw from the contract and return goods: JARLU spol. s r.o., A. F. Kollára 229, 013 06 Terchová, Slovakia
To exercise the right to withdraw from the contract by email: info@littleshoes.eu

For the returned goods to be accepted, they must be undamaged, unworn and complete, including the original packaging. If this is not the case, you bear the costs associated with the refusal to accept such goods.

  • After clicking the "Send" button, stay on this page until information about its successful sending is displayed!
  • Please note that the parcel must be packaged so that the original packaging is not damaged (e.g. with adhesive tape, an address label, etc.)

Site verification

Cardpay Tatra banka Overenie legálnosti stránky

Contact details

Invoicing details

JARLU spol. s r.o.
Sv. Martina 1360/67
013 06 Terchová

Company ID: 50 764 276
Tax ID: 2120467349
VAT ID: SK2120467349

Shop address:

A. F. Kollára 229
013 06 Terchová



Account number:

SK73 1100 0000 0029 4703 6021

English (United Kingdom)