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Sudocrem - Multi-expert

Sudocrem - Multi-expert
Sudocrem - Multi-expert

Product Pricefrom 7,30 €to 22,90 €

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Areas of application

  • To protect baby's bottom against irritants in stool and urine
  • For irritated, reddened skin
  • For skin affected by eczema
  • For skin with bruises
  • For mild burns and frostbite
  • To relieve the symptoms of insect bites
  • For skin with acne
  • For the treatment of skin after shaving or waxing, for bedsores

Comprehensive protection

Zinc oxide: induces tissue contraction, reduces fluid loss in tissues during the regeneration process
Benzyl benzoate, benzyl cinnamate: promote the growth of epithelial cells, accelerate the epithelization process
Benzyl Alcohol: prevents bacterial growth, relieves unpleasant burning sensation
Lanolin: softens and moisturizes, helps skin retain moisture

Characteristics of Sudocrem

It has a creamy consistency, spreads easily
Cools and soothes the skin while the water content of the cream evaporates
It can accelerate the epithelization process, soften and moisturize the skin

Sudocrem is economical because it is applied in a film-thin layer, which means that even the smallest pack can last up to two months with regular use on the skin under the nappy.

Unobtrusive care

Using the right baby bum cream not only protects your baby's skin, but also helps you to conjure up carefree weekdays in an inconspicuous way. The baby plays happily, learns, perceives and sleeps more peacefully. Mommy is also satisfied when she sees that her baby is happy.

Sudocrem - cream for baby's bottom - protects the skin from redness, moisturizes and disinfects. He is subtly fulfilling his role. Moms need just that: a reliable baby bum cream they can rely on every day.

Comfort and protection

Today's super diapers make our lives much easier. We change them at lightning speed, nothing leaks out of them, the baby moves easily in them. However, the comfort is just as pleasant for babies as it is for their parents. Therefore, they find it difficult to part with a comfortable diaper, which parents may not like so much.

Usually, any child can be weaned from diapers by the age of 3. Girls a little earlier, boys a little later. Of course, it is also often the case that a child still at the age of 4-5 or even 6 years old asks for a diaper for a big need. But there is no need to worry. The transition is not the same for everyone. However, we can reassure any mom who worries that sooner or later, every baby will be able to say goodbye to a comfortable diaper!

However, while the diaper plays the main role, the most important thing is the protection of the baby's bottom and the corresponding care for it, for which we recommend Sudocrem!


For daily protection of the baby's bottom against irritants in stool and urine
For irritated, reddened skin (red baby bottom)
For skin affected by eczema


For daily use, 3 - 5 times a day
Apply to the affected skin in a thin layer
Spread the cream evenly with gentle, circular movements
Avoid contact of the cream with the eyes and mucous membranes

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Contact details

Invoicing details

JARLU spol. s r.o.
Sv. Martina 1360/67
013 06 Terchová

Company ID: 50 764 276
Tax ID: 2120467349
VAT ID: SK2120467349

Shop address:

A. F. Kollára 229
013 06 Terchová



Account number:

SK73 1100 0000 0029 4703 6021

English (United Kingdom)